uploads/life preserver.jpg

life preserver 1. 救生用具;浮衣。2.〔英國〕護身用具〔手槍、帶刀手...

life raft

H . rumbold , master barber in a bloodcoloured jerk in and tanner s apron , a rope coiled over his shoulder mounts the block . a life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt 高級理發師霍朗博爾德167穿著血紅色緊身皮背心,系著揉皮工人的圍裙,肩上扛著盤成一圈的繩子,爬上絞刑架。

He glanced at ruth for reassurance , much in the same manner that a passenger , with sudden panic thought of possible shipwreck , will strive to locate the life preservers 他瞥了一眼露絲,想求得鎮靜,像個突然害怕船只沉沒而心慌意亂急于找救生衣的乘客。

A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk - cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows , mattresses , and life preservers 木棉一種絹狀纖維,從木棉樹的果實中提取出來,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕頭,褥墊和救生用具中的墊料

Survival is key in the harsh lower depths of detroit , and for many the current emotional life preserver is hip hop 對底特律的中下階級市民來說,他們每天都必須面對生存下去的殘酷現實,而他們發泄情緒最好的方法就是透過饒舌歌。

This is a life preserver 這是救生用品。

We ' re gonna throw him a life preserver 我們要給他一個護身符

Look at us as your life preservers 把我們看作你生命的保護者吧